Prunus cerasifera, commonly called cherry plum or Myrobalan plum, is native to western Asia and the Caucasus. Today, it only exists in cultivation except for the many situations where it has escaped gardens and naturalized. Naturalization has occurred in the U.S., primarily in the northeast and far west.


Prunus Species: cerasifera Family: Roseaceae Life Cycle: Woody Country Or Region Of Origin: SE. Europe to Central Asia Wildlife Value: This is a larval host plant to Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus). You may see three flights from February-November in the deep south and two flights from May-September in the north. Fruits are eaten by songbirds.

Växtsättet är upprättväxande och aningen brett. Växer till snabbt under de första åren och kan bli 3,-5 meter. Bladverket är frodigt grönt. Prunus cerasifera. Certifierade växtmärkningar E-planta, Grönt kulturarv. Skötselråd. Läge Sol till halvskugga.

Prunus cerasifera

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Naturalization has occurred in the U.S., primarily in the northeast and far west. Hardy to USDA Zone (4) 5 Native to western Asia and the Caucasus. The green leaf species has been in cultivation since the 1600s, and the subsequently more common purpleleaf plums have been in Western cultivation since 1880. This is the year when a purpleleaved Prunus cerasifera was exported from the Persian shah's garden. Prunus cerasifera is a deciduous Tree growing to 9 m (29ft) by 9 m (29ft) at a medium rate. It is hardy to zone (UK) 4.

Native to Asia. Family: Rosaceae. Additional Common Names. CHERRY PLUM, MYROBALAN PLUM. Tree Characteristics. Erect or Spreading with a Low Canopy 

Prunus cerasifera Ehrh., known as cherry plum, is a small shrubby tree with intricate and occasionally spiny branches, which produces plum-like edible fruits. This plant is native to Balkans extending its range to Black Sea and Asia Minor. It is a frugal species, easily adaptable to a large variety of sites.

Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' is a striking ornamental Cherry Plum tree favoured for its rich, deep purple foliage and stems which can appear almost black. In March-April, 'Nigra' erupts in a mass of single pink flowers which are popular with bees and contrast beautifully with the emerging bronze leaves.

Prunus cerasifera

Skötselråd. Läge Sol till halvskugga. Beskärningstid Juli-september (JAS-perioden) A very popular ornamental landscape tree, Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' (Cherry Plum) is a medium-sized, round-headed deciduous tree with a striking presence in the landscape, whether in bloom or not. This plum tree boasts some of the darkest purple leaves and twigs. Prunus cerasifera fk CECILIA E - körsbärsplommon Zon 1-3. Höjd 7-9 m, bredd 4-6 m. Stor buske eller litet träd.

Körsbärsplommon som härstammar från Vitryssland. Mild, söt smak som passar bra till färskkonsumtion 38,00€ A very popular ornamental landscape tree, Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' (Cherry Plum) is a medium-sized, round-headed deciduous tree with a striking presence in the landscape, whether in bloom or not. This plum tree boasts some of the darkest purple leaves and twigs.
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Prunus cerasifera

Bladverket är frodigt grönt. Rundkronigt träd med mycket mörkt intryck.

Its native range extends from the Balkans to Asia Minor but,  Слива растопыренная 'Pissardii' (на штамбе), Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii' St.. Код товара: b51ad18c023b-1. Есть в наличии. Описание: Описание:  Заказать Слива растопыренная `Nigra`Prunus cerasifera `Nigra`,MLST недорого ✓Большой выбор ✓Низкие цены ✓Доставка по Украине ✓100%  Возможности применения, место посадки и характеристики растения Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' в системе поиска TreeEbb от питомника Ebben.
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An informational video on Prunus cerasifera Nigra or the purple leaf plum.

Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' is a small to medium sized deciduous tree popular both in the garden as well as often  Слива растопыренная 'Pissardii' (на штамбе), Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii' St.. Код товара: b51ad18c023b-1. Есть в наличии. Описание: Описание:  Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' Tree · Common name: Purple Leaved Plum tree · Awards: RHS Award of Garden Merit · Height and spread in 20 years: 5 x 3 metres  Prunus cerasifera (cherry plum) is a deciduous tree (family Rosaceae).